Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Chicken Hawaiian Twist Pizza

It was a long day at work and I simply didn’t want to cook when a friend dropped in. All I could think of was ordering a pizza from www.dominos.co.in . I randomly ordered a chicken Hawaiian twist for my love for pineapple. The topping was a perfect combination and felt as if chicken salami pampers you while the delicious pineapples and juicy jalapenos leave your taste buds tingling. One of the most amazing treats ever. It just energized my senses for the rest of the evening.

It may be good for a holiday or a picnic too but for me this pizza was more of a blessing at a time when I had zero strength to stand in kitchen and surely even if I had tried cooking, I couldn’t make anything as yummy and soulful as this tender and succulent Chicken Hawaiian Twist.